PDRM (Polis DiRaja Malaysia) or Royal Malaysian Police celebrated its 200th Anniversary, yesterday, 25th March 2007 at the Dataran Merdeka.
The celebration attended by the King, PM Datuk Seri Abdullah, Ministers, IGP, former IGPs and other dignitaries, including the heads of the police force of the respective Asean nations.
Photos of the celebration.
Picture of the King arriving in his Limo...

The King and PM reviewing the march past.

The PDRM officers on the Left Side of the grand stand.

The slim, young and beautiful police woman. Let have more of em on the road!

What is she doing?

The intimating looking FRU... actually Woman FRU (Federal Reserve Unit, usually use for crowd/protest control)

Police Commandoes

Flyby of the newly acquired Fennec helicopters.

PDRM air planes...

What I saw on top of Bukit Aman building

Foreign Dignitaries

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